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Exceptional Cambrian Fossils From Utah - A Window Into The Age Of Trilobites.

After years of work and decades in the making this is the most comprehensive work on the Cambrian fossil record in Utah. Authored by some of the foremost experts in the Cambrian record Richard Robison, Loren Babcock and Val Gunther. Contributions from public and personal collections all around the world. This is the definitive book that any collector of fossils from Utah should have.

Historical information about the collection of fossils in Utah's Cambrian, as well as the geological history and settings that resulted in one of the greatest deposits of Cambrian rocks in the world. From ever popular Trilobites to rare and unusual arthropods and soft bodies faunas, this book has it all. Hundreds upon hundreds of photos of fossil specimens. This book would make the perfect field guide for collecting.

Size 21,5 X 28
97 Pages
453 illustrations and photos (mostly color, some black and white)

Exceptional Cambrian Fossils from Utah

SKU: 978-1557919045
€ 28,00Prezzo
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    Trilobite Design Italia NON vende fossili Italiani.

    In Italia è vietato il commercio e la vendita di fossili provenienti dal territorio dello Stato in quanto ritenuti beni culturali e rientranti nei beni tutelati dalla normativa n.1089 dd 1 Giugno 1939 e la nostra azienda NON commercia questi campioni. La presente ditta TDI di Gianpaolo Di Silvestro esclude nella totalità qualsiasi campione fossile d’origine paleo-antropologica. In accordo con la legge Italiana tutti i fossili sono importati ed esportati regolarmente.

    Tutti i prezzi del sito sono da intendersi IVA compresa la fattura commerciale sarà allegata alla merce spedita

    All prices are VAT included

    Trilobite Design Italia is a fossil company di Di Silvestro Gianpaolo Aurisina TS  ITALY P.I 01265210326

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