Late jurassic/Lower cretaceuos (125 m.y.a.)
Yixian Formation,
Huangbangi Valley, Beipiao, Liaoning Province of China
A stunningly preserved example of a dragonfly larva fossil insect from Yixian Formation. This is a fine dragonfly larva showing incredible detail, and is by far the largest example I have ever come across. (See my other offerings).
The Yixian Formation is perhaps most famous for discoveries of feathered dinosaurs, but the deposits preserved from feathered dinosaurs to birds and reptiles with color patterns. Scarce to preserve insects are well represented in the diverse Liaoning biota.
NO color add, no fake! 100% guaranteed
Fossil Dragonfly Larvae insect of Liaoning China
SKU: A03
€ 90,00Prezzo
size: 3,7 cm (body)
restorations: no