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This is an extremely rare pyritized  Ordovician trilobites, Triarthrus eatoni.

This trilobite  comes from the Whetstone Gulf Formation, Lewis County Area  in New York states. These fauna comes in dark  black- grey shale and it is possible pyrite conservation of  antennae, legs and gut. This is a 100% sand blaster trilobite with no color on top.

Sometimes some slab are glued together.



Triarthrus eatoni

Late Ordovician

Whetstone Gulf Formation

Lewis County

New york


Gold Bug with soft tissue preserved Triarthrus eatoni

€ 150,00Prezzo
  • size: slab size: 6 cm  trilobite size:  0,9 cm 

    restorations: no restorations

    preprator: Alex Zagar and Di Silvestro Gianpaolo

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